Have you lost your keys, have they been stolen or have they been broken into? Then have your locks replaced. Even if the keys are lost or stolen, it is important to have your locks replaced, even if the keys have been found again. Because, who says that between the loss/theft and the recovery of the keys, a key is not quickly made. It is therefore always recommended nieuwe sloten to be placed. The big question for many is whether and when the insurer will pay the costs for nieuwe sloten reimburses.
Reimbursement subject to conditions
The costs that are reimbursed by your insurer partly depend on the coverage that your insurance offers. The most important part that determines whether the costs will be reimbursed is the reason for replacing the locks.
Compensation after a burglary
For example, if the locks need to be replaced because there has been a break-in, this will in most cases be reimbursed by the insurance. It is important that you take the correct steps in the event of a burglary. For example, first call in the police so that trace evidence can be done. Immediately inform the insurance company about the burglary. After the police have released the location, it is important to call in the locksmith within 24 hours to replace the locks.
Lost or stolen keys
It is extremely annoying when you are locked out due to loss or theft of your keys. A locksmith from Slotenmaker Holland can in most cases help you back inside without causing damage to the lock. Nevertheless, we always advise you to contact us if your keys are lost or stolen nieuwe sloten to be placed. After all, you should not think that your keys will end up in the wrong hands. If you have lost your keys yourself, there will be no insurer who will nieuwe sloten before you reimburse. In the event of theft of the keys, there is often a compensation. Your insurer will set requirements for this. For example, you must report the theft to the police. In addition, within 24 hours of the theft of the keys, nieuwe sloten installed by the locksmith. Keep the invoice and the declaration form well in order to be able to submit this to the insurer.
Have locks replaced by Slotenmaker Holland
Are you ready for nieuwe slotenbecause there has been a break-in, your keys have been lost or stolen? Then you choose the expertise of Slotenmaker Holland. In the event of a lockout, we are on site within 30 minutes. We offer SKG certified locks from renowned brands such as AXA and Nemef. We recommend that you opt for at least 2-star locks. You get a standard 5 year warranty on nieuwe sloten and its mounting.