Disclaimer for Locksmith-holland.nl
The following terms of use apply to the use of this website (https://slotmaker-holland.nl/). By using this website, you are deemed to have read and accepted the terms of use.
Use of information
Slotenmaker Holland strives to always provide correct and current information on this website. Although this information has been compiled with the utmost care, it is stated Slotenmaker Holland does not guarantee the completeness, correctness or topicality of the information. The legal information on the website is of a general nature and cannot be considered a substitute for legal advice.
No rights can be derived from the information. Slotenmaker Holland accepts no liability for damage resulting from the use of the information or the website, nor for the malfunctioning of the website.
On the basis of sending and receiving information via the website or via e-mail, a relationship between Slotenmaker Holland and the user of the website.
Slotenmaker Holland does not guarantee that emails sent to it will be received or processed (in time), because timely receipt of emails cannot be guaranteed. Also the security of e-mail traffic cannot be fully guaranteed due to the associated security risks. By without encryption or password protection by email with Slotenmaker Holland you accept this risk.
This website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites. Slotenmaker Holland does not affect third party websites and is not responsible for their availability or content. Slotenmaker Holland therefore accepts no liability for damage resulting from the use of third party websites.
Intellectual property rights
The use or viewing of this site is free. However, you are not allowed to copy or distribute or use information from this website without prior permission. You may only use the information if it does not infringe our rights.
Without express written permission you are not allowed to use any texts, images or other intellectual property of Slotenmaker Holland to use or appropriate. The intellectual property of this website is owned by Slotenmaker Holland.
Other information
For prices on the website, we are allowed to change them if the situation gives cause to do so. Nevertheless, we strive to display the current prices as carefully as possible. It is possible that errors and / or changes take place. Such errors cannot give rise to a commitment or obligation to Slotenmaker Holland.
The information on this website cannot be relied upon. We accept no liability for the texts on the website.
Who we are
Our website address is: https://slotmaker-holland.nl/
Sterrebaan 9, 3542 DJ Utrecht
Our privacy rules
Terms and Conditions
See our here Terms and Conditions