Locksmith Rijswijk

Need help quickly? In an emergency, our locksmith will usually be at your door within 30 minutes.
Slotenmaker Holland hero
This is what you can expect:
logo brand lock
PIN possible

Are you locked out in Rijswijk?

An exclusion can arise for various reasons. You close the door behind you with the keys on the inside still in the lock, the key breaks off in the lock, you have lost your keys or they have been stolen. Whatever the cause, the effect is always the same: you can no longer enter your home. Because you want to be able to get back into your home quickly, please contact us immediately Slotenmaker Holland. There is always a locksmith near you. This means that, barring unforeseen circumstances, we will be at your location within 30 minutes.

Our locksmiths work with specialist tools with which we can almost always open a lock without damage. If this is not possible, we will discuss this with you. We then drill out the lock and immediately place a new lock that you have chosen from us. This way you will never be faced with unpleasant surprises with us.

Need a locksmith? Request a quote.

Need a locksmith urgently?

We are available 24 hours. You can also reach us in the evening and at night if you need us immediately, such as:

Our satisfied clients

customer locksmith 2
customer locksmith 5
customer locksmith 4
customer locksmith 1

Replace lock in Rijswijk

Do you also opt for new and safe locks? We are happy to replace your locks in Rijswijk. This is what we do, among other things:

  • We can almost always open a lock without damage.
  • If we do have to drill out, we will ask you for permission before we continue with the work.
  • We can replace any type of lock with one of our A-brand locks with SKG** or SKG*** quality mark.
  • No prepayment. You pay after the work. Payment via a little bit or by pin.
  • We are usually at your doorstep within 30 minutes.
Replace locks on location
On location within 30 minutes
Doors opened after lockout

Want to speak to a lock expert immediately?

Our services

Our professionals can help you with all lock services.

locksmith opens door damage-free

Opening locks in Rijswijk

Left out? Leave that to the professionals at Slotenmaker Holland about. We will be at your door within 30 minutes and in most cases can open your lock without damage.

locksmith cylinder lock replaced

Replace locks

Safe living means safe locks. Have unsafe and malfunctioning locks replaced quickly. We replace any type of lock with one of our A-brand locks with at least SKG** quality mark.

slotenmaker holland

Emergency service Locksmith Rijswijk

You will never have to wait for a locksmith, even when you need us in the middle of the night, on weekends or during holidays. Thanks to the emergency service, a locksmith is available 24/7.

burglary protection

Burglary protection Rijswijk

The more effort and time it takes burglars to break into your home, the faster they will break into your home. That is why we would like to come and see where your burglary protection could possibly be improved. If necessary, we can immediately nieuwe sloten place.

core pulling protection skg 3

Core pulling protection

Core pulling is a popular method of breaking in. And that is not for nothing. Burglars drill a screw into the lock to instantly pull the cylinder out. This gives them free access to the house. By installing core pull protection, they can no longer use this method and prefer to skip your home from now on.

multi-point lock skg

Install multi-point lock

You can see a multi-point lock as three locks in one. You can lock the door at three points with just one key. This makes it even more difficult to force the lock.

More information?

Need a locksmith in Rijswijk?

You can be locked out for various reasons. Just think how easy it is to forget the keys in a hurry or close the door behind you with the keys still inside the lock. But you can also lose your keys on the road and in the worst case, someone can steal them. Whatever the cause, in all situations you can no longer enter your home. Slotenmaker Holland is your savior. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we are at your door within 30 minutes. Thanks to the extensive knowledge, experience and specialist tools of our locksmiths, we can almost always open a lock without damage. Like you, we don't like unpleasant surprises. If we cannot open the lock without damage, we will first discuss this with you. After your approval, we immediately install a new lock.

Slotenmaker Holland is also your reliable address for installing multi-point locks, core pull protection and burglary prevention. We offer our customers a 24/7 emergency service, which means that we are available 24 hours all year round.

At Slotenmaker Holland you are guaranteed fast service. We are therefore at your location within 30 minutes.

Am I insured for locksmith services?

No one wants to pay more than is strictly necessary. The question of whether locksmith costs can be claimed from the insurance is therefore regularly asked. In some cases, an insurer will reimburse the costs, but not when you call in a locksmith because of the loss of keys. This is seen as personal responsibility. We do recommend that you file a report with the police and nieuwe sloten to be placed.

In the event of theft of keys, for example by pickpockets, you can usually get our costs reimbursed. File a police report and have your locks replaced within 24 hours. You send the official report and our invoice to the insurer. In the event of a burglary, you will also be reimbursed for the costs. It is important to call the police first for trace evidence. Then we come by to repair the damage and nieuwe sloten to place. You must also submit the invoice with official report for the reimbursement of our costs.

Direct contact?

Frequently Asked Questions


We can immediately place safer locks for you. There is always a locksmith nearby. This is what we all do:

  • Remove old locks and replace them with A-brand locks with SKG** and SKG***.
  • Burglary prevention and make the necessary changes in this area.
  • Install extra safe locks, such as multi-point locks and core pull protection.


A bent key carries the risk that the key will ever break in the lock. Have your locks replaced as soon as possible.


We will be at your doorstep within 30 minutes. Thanks to the emergency service, we are available 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.


We install locks of the best quality and only from A-brands, such as Nemef, Dom, Axa and Lips.

Do you need our locksmiths in The Hague region? We work in Alphen aan den Rijn, Leiden, Leidschendam, Nootdorp, Rijswijk, Voorburg, Voorschoten, Wassenaar, Zoetermeer.

Our locksmith The Hague is active in all neighborhoods.

Center, Escamp, Leidschenveen-Ypenburg, Laak, Loosduinen, Haagse Hout, Scheveningen and Segbroek.